<aside> 💡 Practice Interview help thousands of Quis users to achieve their career goals. Be the next one!
Success is when opportunity meets preparation! Preparation is the key here. Practice with thousands of Quis users to gain the required interview skills that will help you succeed during your interview and make you stand out. Discuss the questions that you're afraid to tackle, give and share your feedback, and more!
Practice the way you talk and express yourself. We know that recruiters are very picky, and missing one small detail can cost you a lot. Practice your way of speaking, your body language, and facial expressions. Here, you have a chance to boost your confidence in no time!
Get honest and constructive feedback on the way you act and your answers during the Practice Interview. Get to know your gaps and areas that you need to improve. Quis is a community of like-minded people who help each other succeed!
Practice your perfect answer to stand out from the crowd! Use the structure from the online course to create an answer that will grab recruiters' close attention. Practice questions and answers that have always been difficult to discuss, whether it's a 'Salary'-related question or 'Tell me about yourself.
After every session, users are prompted to share their feedback about the session. Provide constructive feedback on how your practice partner's answers were. Help other people improve by sharing all the key points and areas for improvement. Be kind - it's cool nowadays!
<aside> 💡 As a user of Quis you can share your own feedback about the app. We are always open for a constructive feedback.
Do you want collaborate further and stay in touch? After every practice session, Quis users have a chance to connect with their partners for further networking. The Quis App will share their LinkedIn profiles, where users can add them to their professional network and continue their future collaborations.
<aside> 💡 To view the 'People I matched with,' go to User Profile and scroll down to the relevant section.
If you feel that it's not enough and you need professional support, we have a great team of recruiters who can help with your practice interviews or coaching sessions. Head over to 'Add-ons' and fill out the form.